Over Spring Break, I decided the best course of action for the age-old question of “what to do with the dogs” was simply to board them at the vet. With there being two of them, I just didn’t feel like it was fair to ask anyone to watch them. This cost me $35 a day for a little over a week. (I’ll let you do the math on that final total). Apparently I paid too much (?) as my husband and my assistant were both horrified.
So I did what any normal person would do, and asked the internet where I should take them for our upcoming quick getaway to Florida. The answers were varied. Aaaaaand upon a little research, I found out that dog people are, in short, CRAZY. I had absolutely no idea that for $60 a night, the poopies could have their very own private suite complete with a couch and a TV of their very own that plays Animal Planet for 24 hours a day. THIS IS AMAZING.
Alas. I was not willing to spend $60 a night for the poopies to live in Animal Planet splendor. And luckily my brother volunteered his three children to watch Nickels and Coco for a long weekend. So being the crazy dog mom that I am, naturally I created them a handy dandy guide to the poopies.
(dog accoutrements clockwise from top: Waggo Gingham dog bowl; Harry Barker Eton dog collar; Waggo dog tennis balls; Waggo buoy toy; Harry Barker rope toy; Martha Stewart bowtie dog collar.