Birkenstocks are BACK. YES.


How to wear Birkenstocks if you're preppy -

Last weekend at Carlton Landing, I looked around and all the women were wearing Birkenstocks.  All of ’em, from all ages –  15 to 65. And I kind of did a mental high five with them because YASSSS! Birkenstocks are back! I’d bought a pair a couple of summers ago when I was pregnant with Archer and I was waddling around the pool in a giant swimsuit coverup in all my first trimester bloated glory and I was all “Whoa. I’m in a muumuu and birks. What has become of me? Sobbing emoji face!”

Buuuut I have to say, I’m secretly a closeted hippie, and I love me some Birks. I have this fashion fantasy of living in Malibu, wearing only white linen and gold jewelry. And birks. Haha.  So, I took them on our cruise a couple of weeks ago and wore the heck outta them. Yes – with skirts!

disney cruise fantasy spring break pencil shavings studio-2

Look at Jude – he’s mortified. HAAAAA.

Now, let me be clear: these are what Simon (and I, if I’m being honest) would probably refer to as Man Repellers. In other words, they ain’t sexy. But they’re a fun trend and it doesn’t hurt that they’re super comfortable (as most man repeller trends usually are – see also Ugg boots and Leggings).

So what’s a girl to do? Especially if – like me – you gravitate towards more polished style? I say have a little fun with it as that’s what a trend should be. Fun!

How to wear Birkenstocks - style inspiration -


  1. Have a great pedicure.
  2. Keep it simple overall. Minimalism is the key!
  3. Remember – it’s a casual look, so avoid for the office (duh).
  4. Don’t be afraid to try it with a flowy dress – but nothing too structured.
  5. Love them with shorts & a denim shirt.


How to wear Birkenstocks if you're preppy -

Birkenstock Madrid sandals in white // Essie nail polish in Clambake // similar necklace (love this bracelet too)

How to wear Birkenstocks if you're preppy -

Birkenstock Arizona sandal in Copper // Target Merona peasant top (LOVE) // Jcrew Earrings (similar) // Essie nail polish in Mint Candy Apple

with love,

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