BHG Style Spotters: Designing a gallery wall around your TV


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Jan 13

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I’m finally (FINALLY!) getting my TV mounted in the family room this week, which leaves me stuck with what to do with the rest of the wall. I kind of got started on a gallery wall as you can see above, but it’s not there yet. I need some larger art to balance out the […]

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I closed my shop & here’s what happened.


Emily Ley Simplified Planners at Pencil Shavings Studio
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Emily Ley Simplified Planners at Pencil Shavings Studio

Jan 12

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As you may know, I closed my shop on December 31st after 5 years of designing and manufacturing and styling and shopkeeping and tax-taking and pop-up-shopping and … well, you get the point. A few days after I made the formal announcement, I went into my favorite paperie here in Oklahoma City and I looked […]

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5 Things


pink color study - kate spade all in good taste - garance dore book absolutely beautiful things pencil shavings studio -
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pink color study - kate spade all in good taste - garance dore book absolutely beautiful things pencil shavings studio -

Jan 9

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This week we’re back into the regular routine of the schoolyear which is equal parts sucky and awesome. Sucky because homework, and awesome because routine and normalcy. Archer went back to Mother’s Day Out, and I’ve enjoyed cleaning house, rearranging furniture, making plans for the New Year, and throwing stuff out. One thing I’m working […]

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Recliners: the Ugg boots of interior design


Stylish recliners: do they exist? the hunt for the ultimate stylish man chair
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Stylish recliners: do they exist? the hunt for the ultimate stylish man chair

Jan 7

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For the past year or so, Simon Shingleton has been on the world’s never-ending hunt for stylish recliners which is pretty much the holy grail of interior design.  What is it with men and recliners?! Internet, as you might imagine, I am dubious about this whole stylish recliner business. I have yet to see a recliner […]

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