Archer: 5 Months Old



We’re deep in the trenches of summer and Mr. Smushy Yummy is now five months old (WHAT?). So far our summer has consisted of trips to the pool and trips to Carlton Landing, interspersed with Vacation Bible School and camps for Jude.


Last week we went to Carlton Landing and had some friends down for the week with us. It was just moms and kids and Archer was in love with his new girlfriend Mary Beth (a sweetie in Jude’s class at school), who basically showered him with love and attention 24/7. “I know my babies,” was the phrase we heard over and over again. So hilariously cute.


And to file under “Milestones”, Archer rolled riiiight off the couch onto the floor at the lake the other day. I felt absolutely terrible (I was just right there!). In some ways I guess it’s a right of passage.  Then just last night, he consecutively rolled over and over and over again. Mobility is in our sight line. June_20__2015_at_0419PM

I think we’re close to getting bottom teeth as he’s fussy, drooly, and loves to chew on anything he can get his hands on (including his hands). June_18__2015_at_0718AM May_29__2015_at_0423PM

A few people have made notice of the age gap between J and A, and several going as far as to say, “Well I’m sure glad I’m not in the baby phase again.” (Why are people so rude sometimes?)  It’s funny – I feel like I have total postpartum euphoria with this baby. I am sucking up every single last moment because I knew in my heart I’d never get to do this ever again. And now here we are with this gorgeous little baby. So so so happy.2015-06-01 17.07.26

Look at those elbow dimples, you guys. I cannot even.  And the love affair between Nickels and Archer continues, although I’m wondering if the love will wane soon. A grabbed ahold of Nickels’ ears the other night and would not let go. Nickels spent the rest of the night sulking.

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But the sweetest thing of all is the budding relationship between these brothers. Jude is settling into our new life as a party of four beautifully. I’m so proud of him. And I’m thankful for the influence of some of his friends with younger siblings who are demonstrating kindness and how to love on the littler ones.2015-06-15 21.09.03 2015-06-15 21.04.03-1

Keep growing, Archer! We love you and are so proud of you.


with love,

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