Do you ever get a wild hair to change things up in your home? I’ve been in major inspiration mode lately and itching for change. I sold my blue campaign dresser so I could have a little spending money for projects, and picked up this Oeuf Mini Library. It’s technically a piece designed for children’s rooms, but I think it’s so chic and it’s a perfect fit in my studio/playroom. If there’s one piece of furniture you absolutely need in a room, it’s a bookcase. It’s so absolutely versatile – it’s the ultimate mix of form and function for both display and storage.
I’m also fighting the urge to paint. As much as I love navy, I’m wanting to go ahead and match the rest of the white in the studio and paint over those navy accent walls. I’m having a major all-white moment, maybe due to our house at Carlton Landing. It just feels so fresh. When I first painted the studio, I was lazy and didn’t paint the ceiling, which is (still) builder beige. It is driving. me. bananas. But here’s the problem: I can’t just paint the ceiling in the studio because there’s no logical place to stop as it also goes into the stairwell downstairs, which will be a HUUUUUGE pain in the rear to paint. It needs to be updated desperately too, but I’m bumping into a conundrum. Do I pay someone to paint it all (meh) or do I use my precious few hours of free time (not to mention energy – gahhh) when the baby naps to paint it? Neither one sounds appealing right now.
This is realistically the problem we all face when it comes to updating our homes, isn’t it? Budget or time. Which will win? Maybe both, maybe neither.
A few days ago, Jude and his buddies were up here making books about minecraft and Legos. I love it – I hope they have happy memories of our little playroom studio up here. I’ll find him and his friends getting art supplies out of my office in the middle bedroom, and then they’re huddled up together around the table from the Land of Nod. It’s covered in marker stains and remnants of washi tape. And that’s exactly how it’s supposed to be.
On Amazon, I stumbled on a few fun coloring books and I plopped them into my cart immediately. That’s right – they’re for me. The Alexander Girard one especially – there’s something really therapeutic about getting out the markers and crayons and mindlessly coloring patterns. I also picked up a couple to do with Jude: the MOMA Color coloring book and Natural Wonders: A Patrick Hruby coloring book.
Meanwhile, I’ve rearranged my gallery wall and had my two jewel prints blown up and framed. I’m contemplating selling these in the shop (I previously sold them there on canvas) as I can get them in a variety of sizes, framed, for a stellar retail price. I could also sell them as a digital download, which I’ve been contemplating. I absolutely adore these images. I’m wishing now that I’d done a few more. I also need to grab another one of those Ikea Alex drawers – they are so perfect for storing my inventory and supplies. Plus I need a third to balance out the pair of them – it just looks so awkward to only have two.
Finally, here’s my little studio mate: isn’t he the cutest? Thank goodness for the Rock ‘n Play!