Anniversaries, birthdays, and life


Our 9th anniversary

This week we celebrated our 9th anniversary, which in my mind sounds like a long time! I remember as newlyweds in our Sunday school class at church, we were in a big group of “young marrieds” which was divvied up with newlyweds, people married more than 5 years, people married with 1 child, and people married with more than 1 child. And as I surveyed the room, I remember thinking that the people with children looked like parents (hard to describe, but you know what I mean?) and REALLY tired.

And now we are so those people. Hahaha.

Marrying Simon was the best decision I ever made. He’s hard working, loyal, funny, and ambitious. He loves his family and he takes better care of us than I could have ever imagined. We said for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health on that warm day in July 2005, and when I look back at those pictures from that day, I think that those moony-eyed twenty-somethings had no clue what they were in for. And that maybe those vows should be said again every year, especially once you’ve really truly experienced the better and worse, the sickness and health, the riches and the poorness. We’re friends, companions, lovers, parents, confidantes. And I’d do it all over again given the chance.

Here’s to the big 10-year anniversary in 2015, Simon. Although I don’t think we’ll be taking that big trip we’d been talking about seeing as how you got me all knocked up again, honey. 🙂

Nickels and Coco


In unrelated family news, Nickels and Coco celebrated their first birthday. This happened with pretty much no fanfare, unfortunately. Jude asked what we were going to get them. “Get them?” I laughed. “They’re getting to keep living here at our house. THAT’S WHAT THE POOPIES ARE GETTING.”

Naturally this morning I wake up to diarrhea everywhere in the kitchen. And then I went ahead and threw up again while I was cleaning it because hello, the pregnant lady just LOOOOVES  smelling wretched dog diarrhea first thing in the already-tenuous-morning.

So maybe they’re kinda miffed that they didn’t get a present? Nancy suggested I go ahead and buy them something today to ward off any further retaliations they might have in mind. ::sigh::  THIS IS WHY WE CAN’T HAVE NICE THINGS.

Happy weekend, everybody. I’ll be up to my elbows in bleach.


with love,

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