This & That


style back to school

You guys. That’s my baby boy in that photo from the Daily Oklahoman right there. My 3 lb, 13 oz preemie baby who is all grown up and is going to kindergarten next week!  Uptown Kids was featured in an article in the newspaper, and so my sister-in-law asked if Jude could be in the photos. I die. I want to wallpaper the whole house in this photo.

Speaking of Jude, yesterday he came running in the house. “MOM! HURRY! THERE ARE CHICKENS IN THE FRONT YARD!!”

I was all, “Chickens. Riiiiight.” We’ve been having the same discussion over-and-over again about the kid who cried wolf. So I’m thinking, clearly he’s crying, erm,  chicken.

But, actually, there really were chickens in the front yard just down the street. Two lovely little red roosters pecking about in the grass next to the house where the crazy neighbor spreads catfood in the front yard to attract all the feral cats roaming about the neighborhood (yeah, weird. Don’t get me started. WHY is this a good idea again??).  I told him to run and get some bread so we could feed the chickens who seemed to be kind of lost. So off he dashes – barefoot, natch – and I’m standing there in the street, kinda clucking at the chickens. Because WHAT ELSE DO YOU DO WHEN THERE ARE CHICKENS IN YOUR CITY YARD? The teenage neighbor girls came out of their house and were all, “Uhh, are those your chickens?” And I’m like, “Hey girls, no. Not my chickens.” Trying to look cool. Like I hang out on the street in front of my neighbor’s house all the time with chickens.

Anyway. Jude comes running – “MOM! I COULDN’T FIND THE BREAD!”

“So what is in your hand?!”

“Well, I couldn’t find the bread, SO I BROUGHT THE CHOCOLATE!”

I have no words, you guys. Clearly we are too city slicker for words.  Case in point:


It’s like Duck Dynasty happened here. Pencil Shavings Studio style.

Summer’s wrapping up but we’re still having fun over here for our remaining days. A few fun links to send you into zee week-end.

OKC peeps w/ offspring! Come to Uptown Kids’ 3rd anniversary bash on Saturday!

Local graphic designer Matt Goad makes the most inspiring paintings I’ve seen in a long time.

Gensfavorite is my new favorite IG account to follow. Her website Pencil & Paper Development is pretty amazing too.

An interesting take on combatting PMS

Getting excited about going back to NYC in September w/ Simon for some blogger meetings, etc. Any good recs for things to do/places to eat?


with love,

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