#OperationFit: Month 1 Update




I’m one month in to #OperationFit, and I wanted to give you an update!  Also, I love talking about this because it’s total motivation to keep going and stay accountable.  (If you’ve been following hashtag #OperationFit over on Twitter or the Bookface, you’ll catch the updates that I post after I work out. It’s fun to connect with others who are participating too!)

My plan of action has been this:

1. Couch to 5K, as I’d been feeling the itch to run again, and I love the structure of the program. I know myself — whatever fitness program I do has to keep changing to keep me interested, and Couch to 5K does a fantastic job of that. I was NEVER a runner before I began this program, but I can wholeheartedly say that I absolutely love this program.  I lost a little bit of momentum last week when I went to Nashville for AH Inspired, as I packed everything to hit the gym EXCEPT a shirt to run in. And the rest of my clothes were dressy. Ummm, awkward.  I started Week 4 yesterday (hooray!), and as much as I love to run outside, I’m sticking with the gym right now while it’s so hot and humid. It’s less convenient, for sure, because that’s one of the things I love about running — you’re able to walk out your front door and just go do it.  I’m super slow right now when I run outside, as compared to the treadmill (interesting perspective on this here).  The long term goal is to get back outside in the fall.

2. Tracy Anderson Mat method DVD. Ok, this one was new to me, but I heard about it through BJonesStyle, who used it to get in shape. I absolutely LOVE this video. It’s an interesting mix of pilates, yoga, and dance, and it was crazy hard at first — like muscle quivering, can’t get up off the floor hard. I took Pilates in college, and really enjoyed how challenging it was, so this was a perfect fit for me. I ordered an extra-thick yoga mat, and some 2 lb weights and have alternated doing this video with the Couch to 5K. It’s an hour long, but I don’t even notice the time passing — and the best part is that I can see and feel the results already. Bonus benefit: running is easier!  I’m so intrigued/impressed by Tracy Anderson that I’ve ordered her Metamorphosis DVD set via Gilt, which is a 3-month

Quick note on the DVD: several reviewers on Amazon didn’t care for her style of teaching because she’s not super chatty and there’s not a whole lot of instruction. I’d say if you have zero background in Pilates or yoga, then this DVD might be really challenging for you to get into. But that being said, after doing the workout maybe 2 or 3 times, I knew what to expect, and the lack of talking was actually pretty nice. I can’t stand listening to the same incessant chatter over and over again on a workout DVD!

3. My Fitness Pal app. Have you ever tried tracking your calorie intake? It’s pretty fascinating because I *thought* I knew how much I was consuming, but I really had no idea. I’ve been documenting every last thing I eat, and it’s amazing how much mindless food I was eating when I was bored, stressed, tired, etc. I’m making an effort to not stress about it, but to become conscientious of food as fuel.  I’m trying to choose foods that will give me energy for my day and help me feel fuller for longer.  In fact, it kind of makes me think of staying on top of my finances. If I spend too much, I have no more money to spend and I can’t do anything. If I eat too much and I have no more calories left for the day and if I’m hungry, well, then too bad.

So what are the results after Month 1? Instead of hopping on the scale, I wanted to track my inches this time, so here’s what I learned –

I didn’t see a huge change in my arms or my bust, BUT! I lost a solid inch off of my waist, and an inch and a half off of my butt.  My clothes are already fitting better, and I can feel the difference. My thighs are feeling more toned and I love becoming more and more flexible. I’m challenged to keep moving and get even stronger.  But beyond the physical changes, I feel fantastic. Working out – especially running – is where I get my brain in order. It’s totally my alone time and there’s no one to compete against except myself. I’m my own cheerleader.

I’m so excited to see the change over the next month, especially now that Jude will be in school 5 days a week (sob/yay), I’m going to have a lot more free time to be disciplined. That being said, I will miss my little workout buddy. Jude loves to participate in doing the Tracy Anderson DVD with me, which is absolutely hilarious. And I’ve also taken him with me to the gym, where he has totally bested me in running. It was like running with that kid from The Incredibles whose superpower was just being fast. ::smacks forehead:: The family that runs together stays together, uh, right?

Have you been participating in #OperationFit? How’s your progress?


with love,

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