Carlton Landing: Filling in Furniture

Our House


Soooo, I’ve completely fallen off the radar this past week! Things here have been crazy.  Hopefully this next week we will be on more of a regular routine when J goes to daycamp for a bit.

Last weekend we made a mad dash to Carlton Landing after a family wedding in Tulsa since we hadn’t been down in a couple of weeks.  And one thing we keep discussing is the furniture we still need to add to the space. coco-on-the-couch

The good news is we finally(!) have cable and internet. (Although we learned last weekend if you send an email with a big attachment, it knocks the cable off. GRRRRR.)  Soooo, we’re still negotiating how to get everything flowing smoothly out in rural America.  And later next week, our guest beds will arrive from Land of Nod.  We also have window coverings (all white blinds) on every single window in the house – all 26 of them(!). So no more naked dash back and forth from the bathroom (sorry, neighbors).

But there are a few furniture holes to fill in, mostly downstairs in the living room.  I’m on the lookout for the following:





I think I’m a little bit overwhelmed at the thought of moving more furniture down there after the debacle of moving everything in by ourselves over Memorial Day weekend. It was a job for sure.  And it also doesn’t help when FedEx just drops a palette of furniture off on the front porch and leaves you to it. (White glove delivery service, anyone?)

But all in all, I’m pleased with the choices we’ve already made and I’m glad we didn’t go crazy and buy a bunch of stuff without knowing how it’d work in the space (I’m looking at you, gigantic navy blue loveseat at Dillard’s).

Several people have emailed to ask when the house will be available to rent and what the rates will be.  The short answer is that I don’t know yet. It most likely will be available in August, if I had to guess. As for rates, the team at Carlton Landing will be managing it, and most other houses in the area comparable to ours rent for about $250-300/night. Once we get closer to having those details finalized, I will definitely post about it. We want you to enjoy our house too! 🙂


with love,

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