Trend to Love: Pineapple Everything


Happy summer trend: Pineapples!

The happiest trend of the summer is undoubtedly the bumper crop of pineapples popping up everywhere. I picked up this adorable pineapple candle at Target the other day as well as a real live actual pineapple. The smell in the kitchen right now is island heaven!

target pineapple candle @psstudio

So how about a happy roundup of island-approved items? I’m especially eyeing that pineapple pool float – wouldn’t it be hilariously out of place at the lake? And that pineapple boppy pillow allllmost makes me want another baby. 😉

Happy summer trend: Pineapples!

  1. Pineapple balloons
  2. Pineapple paper clips
  3. Pineapple Boppy pillow (OMG)
  4. Pineapple float
  5. Target Pineapple candle
  6. Pineapple drink floatie
  7. Eat your Fruit pineapple pin
  8. Pineapple tumbler

Here’s to a summer full of fruity drinks and lounging in the pool! Pineapple everything!



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with love,

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