Archer: 8 Months Old



It’s good to be 8 months old, I think. Archer’s come to life in a million new ways, and he’s been so much fun to watch as he explores the world.  But we’ve also entered an entirely new era of mobility. He’s juuuuust about to start crawling – he hasn’t quite figured out the on-all-fours motion yet, but he does love to scoot himself inchworm-style on the floor.


And thus, the babyproofing is underway. He thought it was great fun to pull every book down that he could reach the other day, and now I’m remembering what it’s like to see everything through curious new (baby) eyes.babyproofing-archer

Later after I shot this photo the other day, he pulled that red chair right over on himself. They’re surprisingly lightweight, and I was standing right next to him when he did it. ::sigh:: Can we go ahead and bubble-wrap the baby and everything else in the house now?floor-level-archer-tolix-red-chair

I’ve had to move my beautiful Ikea hack shelves out of the living room for the meantime. Just too much temptation for Mr. Curious, and so the family room now looks like this:


A nice big ol’ playpen, riiiight in the middle. Loaded with blankets and toys. I remember doing this with Jude (we called it baby jail haha).


I’m doing a Brene Brown class on the Gifts of Imperfection right now, and she made a good point that you shouldwrite down some of the mundane daily things you do. Because at some point you’ll want to look back and remember the  mundane, the normal. Our daily schedule right now looks like this:

I get up and make coffee (thanks, Allison Bailey for the Nespresso!) Make breakfast for Jude and get him dressed for school. Archer wakes up around 7:30  and I put him in bed with Simon while we finish getting ready for school.
Leave for school.
Home with Archer.
Take him to Mother’s Day Out twice a week (other mornings, this is when he’s down for a nap and I either work or get ready for the day).
Lunch is when we get things done and run errands before coming home for the afternoon nap.
Afternoon nap and work time for me.
Go pick up Jude from school.
Homework with Jude and Archer plays on the floor
Dinner prep
Archer’s bedtime
Jude’s bedtime
Collapse in a heap
with love,

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