Crisp Fall


looking at the view

With the return of fall comes the return of one of my most favorite things, BSF. BSF stands for “Bible Study Fellowship,” a global group of Bible studies that follow a 7-year track. That’s right, 7! I’m currently on year 3 (the life of Moses) , although admittedly, I had to drop out nearly halfway through the year last year (Matthew) for Jude’s crazy early birth. My mother-in-law introduced me to BSF, and I finally agreed to go along after hearing her rave about it forever. And I have been amazed at how much I love what I’ve discovered there. Everybody talks about how much they love BSF, and I know now why. Every Wednesday, I meet with the most amazing, diverse group of women and we talk about what God is revealing to us through the study we’re following. The first year I went (the book of Romans), I was the youngest person there, and the only one without children. I thought, how am I going to find anything in common with these women? And I was shocked at how quickly we all bonded. It didn’t matter that I didn’t have kids or that I was a certain age — we all had our faith in common, and everybody had something to offer.

The cool thing about BSF is that it’s interdenominational. It’s not about being a Baptist or a Methodist or whatever. In fact, we’re not even allowed to talk about what church we’re from, or books we’ve read. All we can talk about is the Bible. That’s it. We’re just a bunch of Jesus-followers, talking about what he’s showing to us. And that’s so cool to me. 
Anyway, this morning, as I sat in the lecture, I looked around, and I was so excited. This year, more than ever, we have such an amazing group of women. I was particularly happy to see more younger women; we have so much to learn from our older sisters. I’m really looking forward to receiving what God has to show me. I know He is going to do BIG things!
So, if you are looking for a Bible study, check out BSF. There are all different kinds of groups that meet, all over the world.
After BSF, I met my mom and we ran around and had lunch. We picked Jude up from my mother-in-law’s, and went over to the park. These photos here were taken the day before, but we decided to go back since the weather was so nice. Jude really likes swinging, and then we sat on a blanket and ate crackers and tried not to eat sticks. 🙂  Ok, Jude tried not to eat sticks. I tried to convince him against the consumption of wood.

on the swings
baby feet

with love,

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