A Tale of Traveling Fabric


Once upon a time, I found some pretty fabric on eBay. It was the perfect zigzag print, in the most gorgeous green you’ve ever seen. So I ordered it. This was August 11th. The seller was from Uzbekistan – the fabric was handmade Uzbek silk. I was in love.

And I waited. And waited. And waited. And waited some more. I emailed almost a month later, and this was the seller’s response:

Hello, yes I have shipped your goods, these days holidays and delays are possible.
Good luck.

Good luck??? Um, what? I guess they don’t do tracking numbers in Uzbekistan???

And then, last week, it finally came. After weeks of checking the  mailbox religiously, it arrived and it looked like this:Brown paper packages tied up with string! These are a few of my favorite things!

Do you know what that is? It’s a wax seal, holding the string together on the back of the package. When was the last time you got a package tied up w/ string and a wax seal? Cool, non?

The fabric is gorgeous too. Now to decide what to do with it!

with love,

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